Students studying graphic design at Carthage have many opportunities to enrich their education.


January Term, or J-Term, is a month-long period of study in January in which all academic departments offer innovative courses on campus and study tours in other countries. Professor Laura Huaracha regularly leads J-Term study tours to photograph nature in locations like Arizona and Costa Rica.

Learn more about J-Term


STUDIO TOURS and Contests

Faculty arrange tours of design studios in the Chicago-Milwaukee corridor multiple times each year, and seniors often participate in the American Institute of Graphic Arts’ statewide portfolio review.


Student Organizations

Carthage graphic design students can get involved in several student organizations dedicated to putting what’s learned in the classroom into practice. Many graphic design students get involved in Centrique, The Current, and DRAFT.

See more student organizations


Scholarships and Awards

More than 90 percent of Carthage students receive financial aid. The Communication and Digital Media (CDM) Department holds an annual scholarship competition, with awards available to prospective graphic design majors. Recipients are chosen based on an interview and work samples.

Apply for a graphic design scholarship